Ministry’s Primary Mission & Objective Statement:
‘Men Sharpened By Iron’-
This candid & grounded men’s ministry is a reflection of what God’s original intent is for godly men. That is, for men as covenant believers to operate from a kingdom authority of power & domain position, and reign over every life situation ordained for men by God’s designed purpose.
IWC’s ‘Men Sharpened By Iron’, is a broad-based, no-nonsense introspective fellowship of men dedicated to the will, ordinances and covenant directives of the Holy Spirit.
Thus, for men to yield to both God’s ‘sharpened’ word & to mature into the ‘natural’ accountabilities we, as men are to govern over in our daily lives.
The primary format of this ministry is to constructively build-out practical solutions, which will give men an advantage in every area of life based upon the incorruptible Word of God. Which is, to effectively manage & balance a ‘whole life’ perspective to everyday encounters of married, family, single, divorced or widowed life transitions.
Vision Goals for IWC’s Men’s Ministry:
- That every man is connected to someone to assist him in reaching his purpose.
- That every man is fully equipped on how to access his place in God, as a godly man, a godly husband, a godly father and a positive & productive contributor to society.
- And, that every man is exercising his gift in the ministry.
Elder Kevin White
Team Leader & Facilitator